Measuring the Impact of Direct Marketing

In the world of direct marketing, measurement is key to understanding the effectiveness of your efforts. crmTRACKER® is your go-to solution for measuring the impact of your direct marketing campaigns and gaining actionable insights to optimize your strategies.

The Importance of Measurement

Direct marketing campaigns can be resource-intensive, and it's crucial to know whether your investments are paying off. Measuring the impact allows you to make data-driven decisions and ensure you're getting the best possible return on investment.

What crmTRACKER® Offers

Our platform provides a comprehensive set of tools and metrics for measuring the impact of your direct marketing campaigns:

Time-Based Analysis
We consider the factor of time in measuring the impact, helping you understand how campaigns perform over time and identifying trends.
Frequency Assessment
Frequency matters in direct marketing. crmTRACKER® helps you evaluate how often your campaigns should run for maximum effectiveness.
Promotion Evaluation
We analyze the impact of promotions and special offers, helping you determine which types of promotions resonate with your audience.
Channel Management & Effectiveness
Our platform assesses the impact of different channels, allowing you to allocate resources to the most effective ones.

How it Works

  • Data Collection:

    We gather data on your direct marketing campaigns, including campaign timing, frequency, promotion details, and channel performance.

  • Data Analysis:

    Our advanced analytics process this data, identifying patterns and performance metrics.

  • Measurement:

    We calculate the impact of your campaigns, taking into account time, frequency, promotion, and channel factors.

  • Optimization:

    Armed with these insights, you can optimize your direct marketing campaigns for improved results.

  • Predictive Competitor Modelling

    Coming Soon *

The Benefits

The "Measurement" capabilities of crmTRACKER® offer numerous advantages:

1. Informed Decision-Making
You can make data-driven decisions about the timing, frequency, and content of your direct marketing campaigns.
2. Resource Allocation
Identify which channels and promotions provide the best return on investment, allowing you to allocate resources strategically.
3. Continuous Improvement
By measuring the impact over time, you can adapt and improve your strategies to keep them effective.
4. Maximized ROI
Optimizing your campaigns based on data leads to a higher return on investment for your direct marketing efforts.


Measurement is the cornerstone of successful direct marketing, and crmTRACKER® equips you with the tools and insights you need to excel in this area. Whether it's assessing the timing, frequency, promotion, or channel effectiveness, our platform helps you make data-driven decisions that lead to improved ROI and greater campaign success. Explore our website to learn more about how crmTRACKER® can transform your direct marketing measurement and analysis.